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Green Phlegm: Is It Bad News?

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Phlegm is a type of mucus produced in the lungs. It’s synonymous with snot, and sputum. But whatever you call it, what does that sticky fluid that seeps from your body really is for?

Meriam defined phlegm as a viscid mucus secreted in abnormal quantities in the respiratory passages. It is also a result of inflammation in the sinuses and the lungs. Your body reacts to some kind of irritant and is producing phlegm to settle the issue. Phlegm can also be related to some bacterial infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis, or pneumonia. For whatever cause, phlegm plays a significant role in understanding what your body is going through.

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Having a noticeably phlegmy cough or a runny nose doesn’t necessarily give you a specific diagnosis of a disease or illness. But it does serve as a clue to uncovering the underlying health issue that makes you sick. And one of the best ways on how it can help you unpuzzle your ailment is by understanding what its colour means.

A lot of folks produce green phlegm and wonder whether it’s something to be worried about or it’s just an indication that they’re simply fine. So today, we will crack that up!

Green phlegm commonly signifies your body’s reaction to an infection. The colour originates from white blood cells. Basically, you may notice yellow phlegm then gradually develops into green phlegm. The change takes place due to the severity and length of the potential sickness.

Green phlegm is usually a byproduct of the following:

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  • Bronchitis: People with such disease have an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.

Read: Everything You Need to Know About Curbing the Symptoms of Bronchitis

  • Pneumonia: A disease that is described as an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs.
  • Sinusitis: By definition, it is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses.

Read: Relieve the Symptoms Fast With These Effective Sinusitis Medical Treatments

  • Cystic fibrosis: CF is a hereditary disorder that results in severe damage to the lungs, digestive system, and other organs in the body.

Did you know that if phlegm stays and accumulates, it can become infected with bacteria and can lead to more severe illnesses? Yes, it can lead to diseases like pneumonia or bronchitis. You don’t want to end up with that so it is best to relieve the symptoms by trying the phlegm natural remedies you can even do at home.

While phlegm is a normal part of the respiratory system, it isn’t normal if it’s affecting your everyday life. And phlegm is not the green we want to save in this world. So let’s fight green phlegm with one natural and healthy solution, one of the best lung health supplements trusted by many – Lignosus.
