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What to Know About the Four Stages of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

A category of lung disorders known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) worsens with time. Smokers and persons over 40 are most at risk for COPD. According to estimates, 174 million people worldwide suffer from COPD, and more than 3 million people pass away from it every year.

People with COPD frequently experience respiratory difficulties, a chronic cough, and shortness of breath. Depending on how far the disease has advanced, COPD can be categorized into stages or grades.

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If you don’t receive the right care, COPD will worsen over time even though it is barely detectable in its early stages. The greater your chances are, the earlier you catch it.

Stage 1: Initial

COPD in stage 1 is regarded as mild. You might not be aware of any issues with your lung function at this point. If your FEV1 falls between 80 and 100 percent of your anticipated value, your doctor will diagnose you with grade 1 COPD.


If your spirometry test results are grade 1, you might not experience any symptoms at all. If you do experience symptoms, you can start coughing more and produce more mucus. The early stages of COPD may be mistaken for the flu.


Your doctor could advise taking a bronchodilator drug to widen your lungs’ airways if you have stage 1 COPD. Inhalers or nebulizers are typically used to administer these drugs.

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To avoid infections that could exacerbate your respiratory symptoms, your doctor may also advise receiving the flu and pneumonia vaccines.

Altering the lifestyle choices that contributed to the onset of your COPD may help it advance more slowly. Most persons who develop COPD have smoked in the past. The two most crucial things you can do to enhance your disease’s prognosis are to stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.

Stage 2: Mild

When your FEV1 drops to 50 to 79 percent of your anticipated value, your COPD is deemed to be in stage 2.


Your symptoms from stage 1 get worse during stage 2. You might start to cough and produce more mucus, and you might start to feel out of breath when walking or working out. People typically become aware that anything is wrong at this point and seek medical assistance from a doctor.


To improve airflow to your lungs, bronchodilator medication may be administered to you.

A program called pulmonary rehabilitation, which aims to make you more conscious of your illness, may be suggested by your doctor. You can typically take a group lesson to learn how to manage your illness effectively.

If your symptoms worsen, you might need to use oxygen or steroid medication.

You may be given bronchodilator medicine to enhance airflow to your lungs.

Your doctor could advise pulmonary rehabilitation, a program that seeks to increase your awareness of your condition. The majority of the time, you can enroll in a group course to acquire efficient sickness management.

You might need to utilize oxygen or steroid medication if your symptoms get worse.

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Stage 3: Very bad

When COPD reaches stage 3, it is regarded as severe, and your forced expiratory volume is 30 to 50 percent of what it should be. While performing home duties, you could find it difficult to recover your breath and may find it impossible to leave your house.


By stage 3, your breathing problems and coughing can become worse and you might experience more frequent flare-ups. You’ll probably notice that you feel weary more quickly than previously.

Other potential signs could be:

  • recurring illnesses or colds
  • your ankles are swollen
  • chest constriction
  • difficulty inhaling deeply
  • wheezing


Stage 3 COPD treatments are comparable to stage 2 COPD treatments. At this point, it’s more likely that you’ll need to start using oxygen.

Stage 4: Extremely bad

Stage 4 is regarded as extremely severe. Your blood oxygen levels will be low because your forced expiratory volume is less than 30% of what it should be. You could experience heart failure or lung failure.


By stage 4, you’ll probably experience frequent, potentially fatal flare-ups. Even while you’re sleeping, you could have breathing problems.


Similar to earlier stages, stage 4 offers similar treatment options. Additionally, your doctor might advise lung surgery to help with breathing. the following surgical options:

  • lung transplantation
  • surgery to reduce lung volume
  • bullectomy

Can the progression of COPD be stopped?

The advancement of your COPD cannot currently be totally stopped, nor can COPD be reversed. Working with your doctor to develop an appropriate treatment plan and adhering to it will help you limit the advancement of COPD as much as you can.

Experiencing COPD

No matter how far your COPD has advanced, it’s crucial to alter the lifestyle choices that initially triggered it. The most crucial action you can take is to stop smoking. If you continue to harm your lungs, your COPD will advance more quickly than it normally would.

You might be able to control your symptoms and keep a healthy weight by following a low-carb diet that is rich in unprocessed foods, healthy fats, and lots of veggies. Some people’s breathing issues may get worse if they consume bloating foods like apricots or peaches.

By enhancing your cardiovascular health and strengthening your respiratory muscles, regular exercise may help reduce the symptoms of COPD.


In the past, COPD was divided into stages 1 through 4 based on how much your lung function had declined. Now, doctors evaluate your risk of COPD by combining the outcomes of a pulmonary function test with arbitrary measurements of the intensity of your symptoms.

The most crucial action you can do after receiving a COPD diagnosis to increase your life expectancy and prognosis is to stop smoking.

Boost your immune system and lung health by taking a healthy lung supplement that can strengthen your body.

Lignosus supports breathing and improves lung functions naturally. It can help manage asthma symptoms and help with shortness of breath so you can sleep better at night.

Related content: 5 Simple Yet Excellent Ways to Take Care of Your Lungs

Lignosus Organic Tiger Milk Mushroom is a 100% organic lung supplement that can help to:

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Fortunately, following taking action to control their symptoms, the majority of people resume breathing normally.

To lessen your symptoms during an episode, strive to maintain your composure. But if you feel overburdened, seek assistance straight away.
