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Recognizing Respiratory Allergies and Dealing With the Symptoms

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Respiratory issues can be tough to deal with for people of all ages. Having problems in your respiratory health can cause difficulty breathing, coughing, congestion, and even more serious and sometimes life-threatening issues. So today, we are going to dive into a deep explanation of how respiratory allergies occur, and we will find out more respiratory allergen examples.

What are respiratory allergies?

There are so many allergies out there, and not all allergies are the same. Some people have allergies that are triggered by food, such as peanuts. Some can be triggered by something we touch. But respiratory allergies are triggered by something we inhale.

Respiratory allergies refer to allergic reactions that are caused by any substance that we inhaled. It can lead to complications across the respiratory tract, including the bronchial tubes, lungs, and throat.

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Rhinitis is one of the symptoms of respiratory allergies. It is an inflammation in the nasal passage and nose. If you have allergic rhinitis, you may experience sneezing, having a runny nose, itchiness, and congestion.

It is important to treat respiratory allergies immediately because if left untreated, they can cause allergic asthma, which is a more serious condition that can bring coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.

What are the different types of respiratory allergens?

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There are a lot of substances that can cause allergic symptoms. Allergens are substances from different sources. Here are a few respiratory allergen examples.

  • Mold

It is a common substance that is found in many homes. The mold spores are the ones causing respiratory problems. Mold releases spores into the air to reproduce. And these extremely small spores float in the air until gravity pulls them down. If they land in an area with water, nutrients, and the right temperature, they can grow into a colony. Mold spores can trigger respiratory problems for people if we inhale them.

  • Dust

This is another common allergy. Dust is common in homes. It is made with different particles and can settle in different locations. Dust can be made from carpet and cloth fibers, skin cells, pet dander, and many other sources, but for the most part, it is simply dirt. We can breathe in the dust when it is floating in the air and it can trigger allergies.

  • Pollen

Pollen allergies, or commonly known as hay fever, can be extremely difficult for some people. Breathing in pollen brings many problems for those with allergies, leading people to avoid the outdoors when pollen levels are particularly high.

  • Pet Dander

When we think of pet allergies, most of us think that it is the pet’s hair that triggers the allergies. But it is actually the pet’s skin cells or dander. People with pet allergies have problems when they breathe in these tiny particles, triggering their body’s immune system into action.

What Causes Respiratory Allergies?

Why do some people have allergies while others don’t? There are tons of risk factors connected with the development of allergies.

  • The most obvious one is family history. If your parents or grandparents have allergies, it is more likely that you will also develop this problem.
  • Another potential risk factor is cigarette smoke. It is believed that children who grow up in homes with cigarette smoke are more likely to develop allergies of different types.
  • Research also found that births during periods of high pollen could result in higher levels of respiratory problems.

Respiratory allergies are one of the main causes of lung diseases. While they can be tough to deal with, these types of allergic reactions can be managed.

Using a lung supplement that is meant to improve your respiratory health is one of the best ways to manage these allergies. If you want to soothe your symptoms the natural way, consider dosing up on lung supplements that are supposed to alleviate symptoms of respiratory diseases and strengthen your respiratory system. It is best to choose a healthy and natural lung supplement to support your medications when you have allergies.

Lignosus is designed to help strengthen your respiratory system and support healthy lungs naturally. Get yours today!
