Most of us would like to get healthier lungs. I mean, who wouldn’t want to breathe freely without the fear of getting lung diseases, right? But let’s admit it, just like how much we want to achieve that ideal lifestyle, we are not really making an effort to do it. Today, we are going to change that — consider this as your ticket to a more powerful, and healthier lung.
In one study according to the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, chronic lower respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, were among the leading cause of death in 2010. Lung diseases, excluding lung cancer, caused an approximate number of 235,000 deaths that year.
Just like your heart, joints, and other parts of your body, age with time. They can become weary and lose their power, which can lead to difficulties in breathing. But through the aid of certain healthy habits, you can better maintain the health of your lungs, and keep them in their best condition up to your senior years.
1. Smoking should go up in smoke

Now, this might sound really cliché, but it’s common knowledge that smoking increases the risk of getting lung diseases. In fact, smoking is not only associated with many lung diseases (including COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and asthma), it also increases their severity.
Smoking a single stick of cigarette is equivalent to inhaling thousands of chemicals into your lungs such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar. These chemicals damage your lungs. They increase mucus, make it more difficult for your lungs to clean themselves, and irritate and inflame tissues. As a result, it narrows the airways and makes it hard to breathe.
Regardless of your age, or how long you’ve been smoking, quitting can help. According to the American Lung Association, within just 12 hours of quitting, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. Within a few months, your lung function begins to improve. And within a year, your risk of coronary heart disease is 50% of a smoker’s. And it only gets better the longer you stay smoke-free.
Quitting is never really that simple, though. It usually takes several attempts. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. In fact, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reported that a combination of counselling and medication may be the best way to succeed.
2. Make exercise a second nature

Aside from quitting smoking, having regular exercise is probably the most important thing you can do for the health of your lungs. Just as exercise keeps your body in shape, it keeps your lungs in shape too.
During exercise, your lungs work harder as your heart beats faster. The body requires more oxygen to propel the muscles. Your lungs increase their activity to deliver that oxygen while expelling additional carbon dioxide.
Creating strong, healthy lungs through exercise helps you to better resist ageing and disease. Even if you do develop lung disease down the road, exercise helps to slow the progression and keeps you active longer.
3. No to Pollutants

Exposure to pollutants in the air can harm your lungs which accelerates their aging. During their younger age, your lungs can easily resist these toxins. But the older you get, their resistance to such toxins begins to weaken and become more prone to infections and disease.
To avoid exposure, you might consider taking note of the following:
- Keep yourself away from second-hand smoke, and try not to go outside during peak air pollution times.
- Use a face mask near heavy traffic, as you can inhale the exhaust coming from tons of vehicles.
- In case you’re exposed to pollutants at work, make sure to take all possible safety precautions. Certain jobs in construction, mining, and waste management can increase the risk of exposure to airborne pollutants.
4. Take a trusted lung supplement

It is best to choose a healthy and natural lung supplement to support your medications or save your lungs from respiratory illnesses. Any idea which lung health supplement to try yet? Try Lignosus for stronger respiratory health for you and the whole family!